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Why Do You Need My ZIP Code?


What do you do when you're asked for your ZIP Code when shopping?  I always give my zip code, because I figure, what's the big deal?  Maybe they need to verify something for my credit card.  Or maybe they want to know what ZIP codes are shopping at that location.  It seems harmless enough, so I don't pay much attention.  Mostly I get crazy when they ask me for my phone number or email address!

But it turns out that it's basically a marketing thing.  Yes, they partly want to determine how to select sites for new stores, etc.  But stores also want your ZIP code so they can find out your full mailing address!  With your name from your credit card and ZIP code, they can search commercial databases for more info on you.  On top of that, they might even sell the information to data brokers, who then sell it to other marketers.  Indeed!  

Google your name & ZIP code as a test, and you'll see how much info shows up.  

GOOD IDEA: You can take charge & protect your personal information.  You don't have to give them your ZIP code, unless it's required to complete the credit card transaction.  So, next time you're shopping, you can politely say NO to the zip, phone, and email requests.  Or if you're feeling silly, just make one up!

~NY Muse